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Agriculture as an asset class provides passive income and a hedge against inflation, and it’s an attractive investment for a diversified portfolio. These investments provide tangible yield derived from naturally produced products with little to no correlation to the overall stock market and lower risk of loss during market corrections, unlike farmland stocks and REITs. Take a look at the Grow Your Wealth With Us.
With each passing year, the world must feed more people with less arable land. Global demographics will continue those trends as the earth's population grows to ten billion people in the next few decades. In a time of financial uncertainty, there is no better asset to own than income-producing farm, timber, or ranch land. These investments provide tangible yields derived from naturally produced products and have beaten the returns from other asset classes for years.

Farmers and small businesses are the backbone of the United States, German and world economy. Your investments with Mount Vigro can make both of them stronger.

Passive Investments in Farming and Timberland

Real assets, like income-producing agriculture, provide a hedge against inflation, and are an attractive investment for a diversified portfolio. There are wide variety of agricultural products, geographies, and methods in which to invest, each with their own risk/return profile, such as:


row crops

tree crops


indoor agriculture

Mount Vigro provides access to investments with little to no correlation to the overall stock market that produce solid returns compared to other asset classes. The platform allows qualified investors to choose from a variety of carefully screened and selected private agriculture investments. Many of these investments feature sustainable or organic production methods.

Institutional investors and the ultra-wealthy have long understood the value of private investments in natural resources. Now you too can access these deals with as little as $5,000. And yes, you can invest using money in your loan account to get tax-free or tax-deferred gains depending on your credit score.

Inflation-proof Your Portfolio

Investments in farming and agribusiness are non-correlated with the stock market and appreciate with the underlying price of land.

Feed a Growing Population & Enhance Food Security

With the world population projected to hit 10 billion by the year 2050, agricultural production will be depended on more than ever to reach increased food, fuel, and fiber demand.

Food System Connection

Investing is a great way to improve agriculture production and create a more resilient food system. Grow your wealth by connecting with an AgTech, sustainable livestock, specialty crop, or controlled environment investment opportunity.